Partnership Opportunities
Help Support Closing the Gap on Indigenous family violence
The Overcoming Indigenous Family Violence Forum is a community-driven event presented by Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service (QIFVLS) and Aventedge.
The forum will gather ACCHOs, not-for-profits, community leaders, grassroots organisations, state and federal government representatives, councils, activists and key service providers to discuss the challenges they are facing and to share and plan solutions and initiatives to address them.
Our partnership opportunities for this forum will help to fund the attendance of Indigenous community members from remote locations, as well as non-funded community organisations.
If lending your name and support to this cause is of interest, please contact to discuss the various partnership packages available.

Why Partner?
Network with Aboriginal Medical Services, ACCHOs, Aboriginal Corporations, PHNs, LHDs, NFPs and Government Departments in desperate need of solutions that will help Indigenous communities access timely, culturally informed, and high-quality health support.
Provide remotely located Indigenous community members, smaller First Nations not-for-profits, and members of nonfunded organisations the chance to hear from and contribute to a national discussion on overcoming Indigenous family violence.
Present your sponsored delegates with the opportunity to take what they have learned from the forum and embed it within their own workplaces and communities
Strengthen your reputation as a leading supporter of Indigenous and reconciliation issues.